Feral Company
an osdd-1b system

Where you can find us on social media & random links to other things, such as a system playlist.

Our system name is Feral Company, occasionally just simplified to Feral Co. We also have a few other system names, Soldaten der Toten, The Feralist Federation, and Passel of Possums, all of which are okay to refer to our system with.If you must, you can refer to us as Soldat or Lochner, if you don't know who is fronting. You can also find other names you may refer to us as in the links section if you click on "Identity" under the "Links" button.> We are a person of color, being Native American & of the Ojibwe nation, queer, two-spirit, & neurodivergent; with the possibility of having some form of personality disorder? We aren't entirely sure.
> Our system works weirdly due to the sheer amount of headmates we have, & a huge majority of them are introjects! Our brain is allergic to making original people apparently.
   - Do not refer to us as parts or alters, it's kind of dehumanizing to us, even if some of our own use these terms to describe themselves & others within our system.
> We don't have a main host or core, or whatever, nor do we conform to the idea that every member must have a role.
   - That being said, roles in our system are more like self-identifiers rather than things we are assigned or formed with, a vast majority of our system doesn't have roles, & those who do are the minority.
Head Count … About ~600 or more fragments & fully-formed members, this number fluctuates a lot due to stress splitting & fragment fusion.
Modifier Terms … Gammagenic, Split-monoconscious, Sentispace & Polyfragmented.

This is not a DNI or whatever, just a list of things we support.> While we are an OSDD system, we do support endogenic systems & other forms of plurality as a whole, due to the fact that you cannot quantify the existence of others based off of an under researched phenomena (such as plurality).> We are also pro-fiction; we do not believe fiction affects reality on a 1:1 scale, & though it definitely can affect the way people view certain topics, it does not make them unable to discern actions in reality vs fiction, nor does it make them conflate the idea that doing something in reality is okay because characters in a book, show, or drawing do it. If you think that doing something you saw in a drawing (or read in a fanfiction) is okay; you are the problem, not the person who drew the drawing (or wrote the fanfiction).> We are pro-good faith identification! "Contradictory" labels, such as bi lesbian or lesbian trans men, are super cool & do not owe you an explanation for why they identify the way they do. The human experience is vast & that makes every experience unique & wonderful, plus someone identifying a certain way does not hurt you in any manner! Mind your own fucking business when it comes to queer people & how they identify themselves.> We are firmly anti-racism, anti-zionism, & anti-islamophobia, among other things. We do not tolerate intolerance based off of one's race, culture, or belief system; that being said, we do clown on people who have ancestors that were colonizers. You are not exempt from anti-colonial clownage.> We are anti-harassment, it should be common fucking sense to not send others death threats over menial things, such as what they like because you don't like it. Of course, the mandatory "that being said", us being anti-harassment protects - for lack of a better term - you from us sending you death threats (or other people to harass you), not us dunking on your ass if you try to harass us; in the words of a famous internet video "I won't hesitate, bitch".